Page 15 - Oblock Program of Studies 2020- 2021
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It is always the responsibility of the student, upon returning, to ask teachers for make-up work. When a student is absent for two school days, it is recommended that assignments and homework be obtained by telephoning or emailing the school counseling office. Requests for assignments should be made prior to 10:00 a.m. Students will have one day for each day's absence in which to submit the required make-up work. Missed work caused by an extended illness will be reviewed and specific dates will be established for the work to be completed. Each teacher has a Google classroom page where assignments and information for missed work can be found.
Make-up work required by an excused absence may be made up with NO penalty provided it is completed within the time allotted by the teacher. A student who is present when a test is announced is expected to take the test as scheduled or upon returning to school. In laboratory classes such as art, physical education, Technology Education, and science, which do not lend themselves to make-up work, the make-up procedure will be determined by the teacher.
Each student shall be required to salute the flag, recite the Pledge of Allegiance and observe a moment of silence during each day's exercises. If a student has conscientious objections, which interfere with full participation in the flag salute or Pledge of Allegiance, said student shall maintain a respectful attitude throughout the ceremony. Parents of students refusing to salute the flag shall be informed by the building principal, and the parent or guardian shall be required to furnish the school administration with a written statement of their child's conscientious objection.
The administration and staff cannot approve of any profanity in or around the school. Disciplinary action will be taken when any student is caught using profanity. Repeated misconduct of this nature will lead to in-school suspension or temporary out-of-school suspension. Any profanity directed at a staff member or administrator will result in a temporary out-of-school suspension.
Counseling service is available to all students. Many student problems, concerning both the student's school and personal life, can be helped by counseling with a competent person. The school counselor or the student's teacher will be happy to try to help him with any of these problems. Counseling appointments can be made by requesting a pass from the teacher, the office personnel, or the school counselor.
All dances are exclusively for students who attend Oblock Junior High. Dances are held on Friday nights from ​7:00 - 9:00 p.m​. and are listed on the school calendar. Any parent picking up a son/daughter should plan on arriving at ​8:45 p.m.​, as the dance will promptly end at 9:00 p.m. Students must be present in school the day of a dance in order to attend the dance. Discussion often arises as to what is appropriate to wear to a school dance. As a general rule, students should follow the dress code as written in the ​Student Code of Conduct​. However, some exceptions may be made depending on the theme of the dance. Guidelines were established through a discussion with the members of Student Council, the PTSO, and the Administration. Please review these with your child before each dance.
● Costumes for the Fall Harvest Dance must have an appropriate theme
● Shoes must be worn at all times
● No tube tops or muscle shirts
● Appropriate undergarments must be worn (none showing)
● No bare midriffs
● Dress or shirt with thin straps is acceptable
● No backless attire (at least half of the back must be covered)
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