Page 16 - PSHS Handbook 2021-2022
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ATTENDANCE Board Policy 204
The school will be proactive and will work with students and families to ensure that students attend school. The school district will notify the parent/guardian of their child’s absences initially via INSTANT CONNECT.
Letter to Parents
Grade Level (Helpful Hints)
Number of Required Minutes to be Considered Present for the Day
Time by Which Students Must Enter School to be Considered Present for the Full Day*
Earliest Dismissal Time to be Counted as Present for the Day
Kindergarten - AM
78 minutes
Kindergarten - PM
78 minutes
Grades 1-4
195 minutes
Grades 5-8
204 minutes
Grades 9-12
204 minutes
For additional attendance information please refer to the Code of Conduct.
Absences due to bus problems
Absences due to district transportation are recorded as legal excuses with a parental excuse stating the particulars of the situation and or verification from the Transportation Department. Building principals will approve or deny requests.
Electronically sign documents:
District and school-based documents can be accessed, signed, and submitted electronically for your
convenience. Additional information can be found here.
Parent Portal
The Parent Portal is an online progress-reporting system in which student grades and attendance can be accessed at any time. Usernames and passwords do not change from year to year. There is one username and password per family. Families who are new to the district will receive their username and password during the registration process. Difficulties with use of the system should be directed to the main office. Parents may only access records of their own children, as confidentiality is of utmost importance. Parents are highly encouraged to monitor progress on a regular basis. Questions or concerns can be directed to the attendance office, classroom teachers, and guidance counselors. The Parent Portal has replaced paper progress reports previously issued at the midpoint of each marking period. Any parents unable to access the portal may request progress reports through the guidance office.
Unlawful Absences and Missed Work
Students will receive a “0” for any work missed during an unlawful absence. This includes but is not limited to tests, quizzes, classwork, homework, and labs. For more information please review the Code of Conduct by clicking the link provided.
Daily Exercises Board Policy 807
Each student shall be requested to salute the flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance, during each day’s morning announcements. If a student has conscientious objections, which interfere with full participation
Exceptionally Prepared for Success 15