Page 26 - PSHS Handbook 2021-2022
P. 26
Junior/Senior Prom
Freshmen and sophomores are not eligible to attend, as well as students who have not met the academic requirements to be considered an 11th grader but may be of junior age. Students who have acquired more than 9 unlawful absences (including tardy/early dismissal minutes) for the year at the time of prom ticket sales will be denied the opportunity to attend prom. A student who accumulates six or more days of school suspension will not be allowed to attend the prom and/or commencements.
Social Courts
Placement on one of the two courts, Homecoming and Prom, is limited to students of grades eleven and twelve, and individuals may only serve on one of the social courts during the last two school years. Once elected to a court, an individual becomes ineligible for future courts.
➢ Homecoming - The court is limited to 12th grade students elected by the senior class. The crowning ceremony is for the Homecoming game as designated on the football schedule.
➢ Prom - The prom court is limited to 11th grade students attending the prom and is elected by the junior class.
Student Government
The primary purpose of Student Government is to promote a better relationship between the students, the administration, and the faculty. In doing so, it remains a goal of Student Government to represent the overall interests of the student body. Beyond representing these interests, one of the major functions of Student Government is the direct involvement of class officers in the formulation of the Student/Parent Handbook.
Student Government will also throughout the year coordinate a program of school activities and functions to encourage participation and a sense of pride within the school. Elections for Student Government are conducted in the spring of each school year. Students seeking office must submit to the organization sponsors a petition signed by five faculty members in addition to 20 students. Elected positions at each grade level are as follows: Class President, Vice-President, and Secretary.
Classes are allocated the following representative seats: Grade Representatives Grade 12 Six 10
11 Five 9
Representatives Four
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In addition, four distinguished positions are available on Student Government. These four officers comprise the Student Council. It is the official duty of the Student Council to oversee the entire operations of Student Government. Candidates for the positions on Student Council must be in their junior year at the time of election and must also have previous experience with Student Government. The following positions are available on Council: Student Council President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
FIELD TRIPS Board Policy 121
Educational field trips occurring during the school hours, including overnight trips, require parental permission and the permission of each of the student’s teachers. Students will adhere to the following procedures when planning to attend a field trip:
1. Students will first obtain the parent signature on the school field trip release.
2. Students will then obtain the signatures of each teacher either permitting or refusing absence
from the class. Teachers will not sign the form if it does not have a parent signature.
3. On the week of the field trip, students must meet all academic eligibility requirements tos attend.
Students who are failing at least one core class or two elective courses will be denied
participation in the trip.
4. Students must have their release form submitted to the sponsoring teacher by the end of the day
before the trip.
5. Students denied permission by a teacher(s) may have his/her case reviewed by the principal.
Exceptionally Prepared for Success 25