Page 4 - PSHS Handbook 2021-2022
P. 4
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Message to Parents:
Plum Senior High School Families,
We welcome you to Plum Senior High School. As a citizen of this school, you are expected to follow the procedures established for the welfare of the entire student body. Following these procedures will help all students become better school citizens.
Be proud of our school. Take good care of it and feel free to make suggestions for improving it. As a school citizen, you are expected to act in a mature manner and conduct yourself properly. You will learn necessary and useful skills for your future. New students may find some things unfamiliar at first, but will soon become accustomed to and comfortable with our school community.
The rules and procedures contained in this publication are for your information; please read and adhere to them.
We wish to thank the Board of School Directors, the faculty, parents, students, and many others for their suggestions in developing the handbook.
Hopefully, with everyone’s cooperation, these rules and procedures will foster a positive educational climate for our school.
We hope you have a successful, enjoyable, and rewarding school year. Your High School Administrative Team
Mr. Joe Fishell Mr. Michael Gauntner Dr. Adam Szarmach
Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal
Exceptionally Prepared for Success 3