Page 18 - Holiday Park Parent and Student Handbook 20-21
P. 18
Table of Contents
All 5th and 6th grade students are able to enroll in the elective of chorus. We will focus on learning proper breath control for singing, warm up techniques, solfege and ear training, and unison and two-part singing. Students will learn skills in unison and two-part singing primarily through partner songs. Students will participate in two concerts, one in December and one in May. Please contact Chorus Teacher with any questions.
Daily for all students, the last 30 minutes of the school day is set aside for Discovery Period. This time offers students the opportunity to participate in activities that interest them. The activities include athletics, arts, technology, music, student government, STEM, and homework help to name a few. Offerings occur on set days of the four day cycle. On days that students do not have an activity, they stay with a teacher from their pod to do homework, receive help or enrichment, read silently, select books from the library, or participate in teacher approved activities. Students sign up for Discovery period occur within the Fall and Early Spring. Students can select from multiple activities depending on interest and availability. Due to servicing all students, students will participate in one activity per Discovery cycle. Prior to student sign-ups, students and families will be informed to view a slide show presentation of available clubs. It is a student’s decision as to which available club they elect to sign up for.
MTSS- Holiday Park Elementary School is committed to providing high-quality instruction and support to promote the highest achievement of all students. At the school level, the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a framework used to maximize the success of all students. The 40 minute block of time includes Tier 1 and Tier 2 level of instructional support. At the Tier 1 level, students will receive enrichment and reinforcement of both literacy-math. At the Tier 2 level, students will receive a research based intervention with literacy support. Please visit our District Webpage for additional information on MTSS. Please contact Intervention Teacher with any questions.
Exceptionally Prepared for Success