Page 20 - Oblock - Program of Studies 2020 - 2021
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The course concludes with a survey of the catalogue of life from simple bacteria to complex vertebrates with special attention given to the plant and animal life of Pennsylvania. Students enrolled in this class will take the Science ​Pennsylvania System of School Assessment​ (PSSA).
1409 Physical Science
Physical Science will provide students with a deeper understanding of the interrelationship between matter and energy. Students will be provided opportunities to explore the physical and chemical nature of the world around them through meaningful hands-on experiences. The course will also teach and develop the fundamental skills in the use of scientific equipment and experimental procedures for future learning within the field of science. Students enrolled in this class will take the Science ​Pennsylvania System of School Assessment​ (PSSA).
1218 Early American History
This course will cover the time period of Indian discovery to the end of the War Between the States. With this as a foundation, the course will proceed to emphasize the following major units: The American Indian, Discovery and Exploration, Colonial, Revolution, the Articles of Confederation, Constitution, Expansion/Regionalism, War of 1812, Mexican War, Civil War, and Reconstruction Era. Current events will also be included throughout the course.
1903 Art 8
Art 8 will continue students’ study of the visual arts introduced in seventh grade Art. They will continue to advance their skills in artistic and perceptual awareness using various media, tools, and processes. Throughout the process, students will connect art history, artist styles, media, etc. Students will also incorporate technology into the curriculum, with the use of 1:1 device, and a variety of apps. Visual projects will be a culmination of students’ research, understanding of a specific artist life/style, use of media, and incorporate fine motor skills, creativity, knowledge of materials. Students will have the opportunity to incorporate a personal touch into these projects. Students will deliver an oral presentation, developing specific speaking skills, volume, confidence, body language, etc. Sculpture in particular ceramics will be a focus within the art department, students will have the opportunity to create 3-D projects not only in class but also during tier/activity time with art club. Art club is designed for students who show interest in the arts to explore higher level projects at the same time give students the chance to take throughout the year.
       Exceptionally Prepared for Success
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