Page 7 - Oblock - Program of Studies 2020 - 2021
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   Scheduling Timeline
    6th to 7th Grade Transition 7th to 8th Grade Transition
         ● April30,2020​-6thgrade Parent Orientation at Oblock Junior High School @ ​6:30 p.m.
● May4and5,2020​-Oblock School Counselor assists 6th grade students with course scheduling at Holiday Park Elementary School
● May22,2020​-6thgrade Student Move Up Day at Oblock Junior High School during the school day
  ● February12,2020​-teachers make course recommendations
● March9,10,and11,2020​- School Counselor assists students in scheduling via 1:1 device during the school day.
      Exceptionally Prepared for Success
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