Page 9 - Summer Programs Handbook 21-22
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Plum Summer Programs Information
1 - PUPIL SERVICES - Offered at no cost to our PBSD students
Turtle Creek Valley Community Services, in collaboration with the pupil services department at PBSD will provide a wellness summer camp program during the weeks of June 27- July 28th at Plum High School. Invited students will be offered participation in this camp program through a recommendation from their school counselor. This program will be available for students ages 7-12. An additional “Counselor In Training” program will be offered to interested students ages 14-18 recommended by their school counselor during those same weeks. Additional information about both programs will be sent home with identified students. For additional information, contact your child’s school counselor.
Students can continue to receive in-person or virtual counseling services from Family Behavioral Resources during the summer months. Additionally, Turtle Creek Valley along with our school social workers/counselors will offer several virtual and in-person support groups for students struggling with anxiety, grief, and social skills based on student need and family interest. More information about support groups is available by contacting your child’s school social worker/counselor.
Additionally, the district will have our school counselors, social workers and school psychologists available during the summer months to assist with individual student needs as they arise as well as provide support to any support groups. Virtual and in-person appointments for support services will be available. Additional information will be shared with families at the conclusion of the school year.
Beginning this year the gifted support teachers will be offering a summer enrichment program for students in grades 9-12. Our grade 1-8 students are invited to attend the STEM Invention Camp described on pg. 12 of this handbook. These services over the summer will allow our GATE students to continue to receive enrichment opportunities through a fun and exciting summer program. GATE teachers will share the details of this with the families of students on their caseloads in the spring.
Each year the IEP team determines when a student qualifies for the Extended School Year Program based on criteria outlined by the PA Department of Education. These services over the summer allow a student to continue to receive special education and related services over the summer should they meet this specific criteria. Parents will be notified by their child’s special education teacher in the spring of each year whether they qualified for ESY.
Current PBSD English Language Learners are eligible for tutoring services. A district EL teacher will contact interested families to arrange for day-time-location of EL tutoring services.
Please visit the Mental Health Resources page of the PBSD website to view services available to our students and families.
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