Page 9 - High School Program of Studies 19-20
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3. Plum High School/College in High School (CHS) - ON CAMPUS
In conjunction with local universities, Plum offers college courses as part of the school curriculum. These courses are considered “dual enrollment” because they earn credit at both the high school and at the college offering the class.
For CHS courses, the Plum teacher has been certified to teach the college course per the university requirements. The student pays a fee to the university, generally at a significantly reduced rate than the university’s standard tuition cost. The student completes the course entirely at Plum High School, taught by a PHS instructor. Students who successfully pass the course will earn the college credits at that specific university. The student will be provided a transcript from that university, and those credits can then potentially be transferred to the student’s intended college/university.
All colleges and universities have varying policies for transferring credits from other universities. Students and parents are encouraged to research their intended college/university to determine their credit transfer policy.
Further information on CHS courses and college credit is available from guidance counselors and PHS course instructors.
The following classes offer students the opportunity to receive credit from the universities as listed:
University of Pittsburgh
Duquesne University LaRoche University Carlow University
Seton Hill University
AP Calculus AB​ (4 credits) AP Calculus BC​ (4 credits) Applied Statistics​ (4 credits) Web Page Design​ (3 credits) AP Physics C ​(4 credits) Honors French IV​ ​(3 credits)
Television Productions III​ (3 credits) Speech​ (3 credits)
Economics/Law​ (3 credits)
Honors Civics​ (3 credits)
Honors Modern American History​ (3 credits) AP United States History​ (6 credits)
AP Psychology​ (3 credits)
Precalculus​ (3 credits)
World Cultures​ (3 credits)
Sociology​ (3 credits)
AP French​ (3 credits)
AP English Literature & Composition​ (3 credits)
AP European History​ (3 credits)
AP US Government/Comparative Government​ (6 credits) Classic Literature​ (3 credits)
College Writing​ (3 credits)
Debate​ (3 credits)
Honors English 10 - Literature​ (3 credits)
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                         Note that several of these courses are offered both as an AP course and for college credit:
● AP Calculus AB
● AP Calculus BC
● AP Physics C
● AP US Government/Comparative Government
● AP Psychology
For these classes, students can choose to: (1) only pay for the University of Pittsburgh credits, (2) only pay for and take the AP exam, (3) pay for and complete requirements for both Pitt credit and the AP exam, or (4) students can choose to participate in neither. The decision among these four options depends on factors such as the student’s intended college/university and intended major. Students and parents are encouraged to discuss their options with their guidance counselor and PHS course instructor.
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