Page 32 - 2021-22 PBSD Code of Conduct
P. 32

Any misuse of electronic devices will be investigated on a case-by-case basis and may start with a Level III Discipline. The process below is a general guideline but will vary depending upon type of electronic device misuse.
1st offense = confiscate device.
2nd offense =confiscate device, detention.
3rd offense = confiscate device, in-school suspension,​ parent must retrieve device. 4th offense = confiscate device, progressive discipline, ​parent must retrieve device.
Student Expression
The board reserves the right to designate and prohibit manifestations of student expression that are not protected by the right of free expression because they violate the rights of others. Refer to Board Policy 220​ for more information.
The following are not protected and are prohibited:
Expressions which:
● are libelous or defamatory.
● are lewd, vulgar, obscene, or profane.
● would substantially interfere with the rights of others, including another student.
● school officials reasonably believe will cause actual and material disruption or interference
with school operations.
● actually disrupt or interfere with school operations.
● would substantially interfere with another student’s educational performance.
● harass or intimidate another student including, but not limited to racial, ethnic, or religious
● incite violence or are fighting words.
● advocate the use of alcohol or tobacco by students, or the use of illegal drugs.
● depict or imply racial, religious, or ethnic hatred or prejudice.
● advocate or urge violation of law, school policy, or school regulations.
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 Consequences of Electronic Device Misuse:
   Exceptionally Prepared for Success   ​ ​31

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