Page 38 - 2021-22 PBSD Code of Conduct
P. 38

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       Minor misbehavior on the part of the student, which impedes orderly classroom procedures or interferes with the safe and orderly operation of the school.
This misbehavior can usually be handled by an individual staff member, but sometimes requires the intervention of other support personnel. Discipline options elected at this level are at the discretion of the teacher/staff member and are intended to provide students with personal and direct communication with teacher/staff.
      Including but not limited to the following:
● Disruption: Classroom,Bus,Cafeteria,Playground,Hall,Lavatory,Library and
other school areas
● Abusive language
● Class cuts
● Cheating, lying and stealing
● Minor abusing or defacing school property
● Tardiness
● Failure to complete assignment/carry out instruction
● Online Learning Violation (​Policy 815.3​)
    Proper and accurate record of the offenses and disciplinary action is initiated and maintained by the teacher.
    DISCIPLINE Options/Responses
    ● Reprimand by staff
● Behavior contract
● Counseling
● Withdrawal of privileges
● Detention,Reflections, Loss of Recess - Activity
● Teacher counseling
● Temporary isolation within the room
● Special assignments
● Removal from room (Cooling off area to be established by the building principal)
● Administrative Discretion
● Parent Contact
  Exceptionally Prepared for Success   ​ ​37

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