Page 16 - PDLA Handbook 2021-2022
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not be issued prior to the scheduled graduation date of the student’s class.
Minimum Credits for Graduation
Course Credits English 4 Social Studies 4 Science 3 Mathematics 3 Physical Education 1 Health Education 0.5 Electives 9
Total 24.5
State State/District State
State State/District State/District State/District
Students must also demonstrate proficiency on standardized testing as determined by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Students will be required to take the Algebra I and Biology Keystone Exams once they have completed those respective courses, as well as the English Literature Keystone at the end of their 10th grade English Literature course.
Students who have been administered the Keystone Exams will have the opportunity to take them until they have achieved proficiency or have fulfilled the requirements of any applicable alternative state assessment.
Keystone remediation will provide an opportunity for growth for students who did not demonstrate proficiency on Biology, Literature, or Algebra 1 exams. Students will be familiarized with the Keystone anchors and content. Remediation may occur during activity periods and after school tutoring sessions. Proficiency on the Keystone Exams will be a requirement for all students beginning with the Class of 2023 as per the Department of Education graduation guidelines.
Please visit the District Keystone Webpage for additional information on the Keystone Exams.
Standardized tests are administered to all students during the school year, including those students taking PDLA courses. PDLA students are required to take these assessments in their home school building. The results will become part of the student record. Parents are responsible for transportation to the school as needed to participate in all state required assessments.
For specific information on all required assessments, please visit the Standardized Assessment page of the PBSD website.
College Boards Exams and Test Dates
For more information on the College Board Exams and Test Dates please click the link provided.
➢ American College Test (ACT)
➢ PSAT/National Merit Scholastic Qualifying Test
➢ Advanced Placement Examinations
Because online students do not see their teachers on a daily basis, it is important to stay in contact by email. It is expected that PDLA students will proactively reach out via email, phone, or personal visits to the appropriate person if there is an issue that needs to be resolved. This includes guidance, teachers, or the Director of Virtual Learning, among others.
● All course content issues should be directed to the teacher of the course
● Technical or Chromebook issues should be directed to the PBSD Help Desk
● Any other issue relating to the PDLA program can be directed to the Director of Virtual Learning
When in an online course, students are responsible for checking their school email daily, as well as checking their Learning Management System (e.g., Edgenuity, Accelerate) applications for updates, announcements, and messages. Students and parents/guardians should communicate with all teachers and staff in a positive manner. Students will be warned one time and could be removed from the PDLA program if improper communication continues.
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