Page 26 - PDLA Handbook 2021-2022
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HARASSMENT: Board Policy 248
The Board strives to provide a safe, positive learning climate for students in the schools. Therefore, it shall be the policy of the district to maintain an educational environment in which harassment in any form is not tolerated. The Board prohibits all forms of unlawful harassment of students by all district students and staff members, contracted individuals and vendors, and volunteers in the schools.
HAZING: Board Policy 247
The purpose of this policy is to maintain a safe, positive environment for students and staff that is free from hazing. Hazing activities of any type are inconsistent with the educational goals of the district and are prohibited at all times. For purposes of this policy, hazing is defined as an activity that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental health, physical health, or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or membership in or affiliation with any organization recognized by the Board.
The Plum Borough School District is committed to providing a safe, positive learning environment for district students. We recognize that bullying creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, detracts from the safe environment necessary for student learning, and may lead to more serious violence. Therefore, we prohibit bullying by district students. For more information please review the Code of Conduct by clicking the link provided.
Exceptionally Prepared for Success 26