Page 25 - High School Program of Studies 20-21
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       CS1: Coding with Python 606 9-12 2 1
        CS1: Coding with Python is a project-based course that teaches the foundations of computer science and programming through graphical art and design. Students will write their own programs to create a variety of static and animated images. By the end of the course, students will be able to write programs using variables, loops, functions, mouse and keyboard events, and to manipulate data through lists and arrays. Students will develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills and design their own creative tasks from scratch.
PREREQUISITES: Student must have all of the following:
● Concurrent enrollment in Algebra 1 or successful completion of Algebra 1.
       AP Computer Science 604 10-12 2 1 Principles
        This AP course is a rigorous, entry-level course that introduces high school students to the foundations of modern computing. No prior computer programming experience is required. Students will learn how the internet works and its impact on society; how to program small apps to solve problems; how to collect, analyze, and visualize data to gain insight and knowledge; and how to evaluate the beneficial and harmful effects to people and society brought on by computing innovations. In order to receive weighted grading credit for the class, students must earn a B or better in the class (click ​here​ for AP policy). This class includes a summer assignment.
PREREQUISITES: Student must have all of the following:
● Sophomores must be Proficient or Advanced on the Biology and Algebra 1 Keystone Exams.
● Juniors/seniors must be Proficient or Advanced on the Biology, Algebra 1, and English Keystone Exams.
       AP Computer Science A 608 11-12 2 1
        AP Computer Science A is a rigorous, advanced-level computer science course. Students will be introduced to the fundamental topics of object-oriented programming that include problem solving, design strategies, organization of data, algorithms, and the ethical and social implications of computing. This class is equivalent to a first-semester college course in computer science. Java is the programing language used in this course. In order to receive weighted grading credit for the class, students must earn a B or better in the class (click ​here​ for AP policy). This class includes a summer assignment.
PREREQUISITES: Student must have all of the following:
● Successful completion of AP Computer Science Principles
● Must be Proficient or Advanced on the Biology, Algebra 1, and English Keystone Exams.
       CS2: Applications with Python 616 10-12 2 1
        CS2: Applications with Python builds on the Coding/Adv Coding with Python course, covering additional programming and CS topics (such as sets and maps), and then applying and extending computational problem-solving skills in a variety of application areas. The course will apply those skills to such areas as art, science, music, math, data analysis and visualization, simulations, game design, web applications, security, machine learning and artificial intelligence, and more.
PREREQUISITES: Student must have all of the following:
● Successful completion of Algebra 1
● Successful completion of Coding with Python AND Adv Coding with Python
   Exceptionally Prepared for Success
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