Page 8 - High School Program of Studies 20-21
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 Keystone Exams
The statewide graduation requirement takes effect for the graduating class of 2022. While there is no statewide graduation requirement for the classes of 2019, 2020, and 2021, students, parents, and guardians should reference local policies governing graduation, which are not preempted by the moratorium on the statewide requirement. Beginning in the 2021-22 school year, the statewide graduation requirement will apply, as will any other locally-established policies and requirements.
Students can meet the statewide graduation requirement by:
● Scoring proficient or advanced on each Keystone Exam - Algebra I, Literature, and Biology.
● Earning a satisfactory composite score on the Algebra I, Literature, and Biology Keystone Exams. The passing
composite score will be available in August 2019.
● Earning a passing grade on the courses associated with each Keystone Exam, and satisfactorily complete one of
the following: an alternative assessment (SAT, PSAT, ACT, ASVAB, Gold Level ACT WorkKeys), advanced coursework (AP, IB, concurrent enrollment courses), pre-apprenticeship, or acceptance in a 4-year nonprofit institution of higher education for college-level coursework.
● Earning a passing grade on the courses associated with each Keystone Exam, and pass the National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) or the National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS) assessment in an approved Career and Technical Education concentration.
● Earning a passing grade on the courses associated with each Keystone Exam, and demonstrate readiness for postsecondary engagement through three pieces of evidence from the student’s career portfolio aligned to the students goals and career plan. Examples of evidence will include ACT WorkKeys, SAT Subject tests, AP, IB and concurrent coursework, higher education acceptance, community learning project, completion of an internship, externship or co-op or full-time employment.
PDE Graduation Requirements
Scheduling Process
At the end of the first semester teachers will recommend courses for their students after discussing the options with their classes.​ ​SchoolCounselorswillmeetwithstudentstoabouttherecommendedclassselectionsbaseduponacademic progress, post-secondary aspirations, and potential career goals. Counselors utilize the web based program Naviance to assist students with their career goals as well as post-secondary planning. Any questions concerning a class can best be answered by the teacher(s) currently teaching the classes in question or School Counselor..
Because of the potential for adverse educational impacts to class offerings, class sizes, and even staffing, requests for changes to class selections will not be taken after the last day of the school year.
If there are extenuating circumstances that warrant a change in a student’s schedule after the June deadline, the schedule change request must be provided in writing to the student’s school counselor. Any schedule changes after the June deadline will be noted on the student’s transcript. If the change is to a different level of a similar course, the change will be noted with a W (withdrawal) on the student’s transcript, with no effect on the GPA. If the change is to drop the course completely, the change will be noted with a WF (withdraw/fail) on the student’s transcript and will affect the student’s GPA.
It is the responsibility of students and parents to thoroughly review class selections and return a signed ​Schedule Agreement​. If there is an error or desired change on the Schedule Agreement (student’s class requests), the parent should contact the appropriate School Counselor prior to the end of the school year to make the necessary corrections. Failure to return a signed schedule agreement with any questions or adjustments before the last day of the 2020-2021 school year will result in the schedule remaining the same. Parents will be required to complete the ​Parent Override Form​ if they choose to have their student(s) take a course they are not recommended for.
Study Hall Policy
Students may not be scheduled for more than ten (10) study halls per six-day cycle.
     Exceptionally Prepared for Success
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