Page 14 - 2018-2020 BEI BIennial Report
P. 14
Medical & Health Professions
Education Research & Innovation
Edward Krupat, PhD
Martin Pusic, MD, PhD
Kristina Dzara, PhD, MMSc
Our Education Research Consultant Edward Krupat, PhD has more than 20 years of experience in educational research and program evaluation. He is available for quantitative and qualitative research design and conceptualization consultation, including development of survey instruments, interview guides or data collection forms. As projects develop, guidance for IRB applications, assistance in data analysis and interpretation as well as research report writing is offered.
Our “Scholar in Residence” and Research Lead Martin Pusic, MD, PhD brings a wealth of knowledge to the BEI. He is recognized throughout the world for his expertise in human cognition relating to education metrics, health informatics, and the longitudinal assessment of clinical skills.
Our Assistant Director for Education and Science Initiatives Kristina Dzara, PhD, MMSc has extensive curriculum development and educa- tional evaluation experience. She can consult on educational initiatives in development and help ensure that curricula are effectively designed for maximum learning, and appropriately evaluated to determine educational impact.
Our Director Erik K. Alexander, MD or other members of our faculty team are also available for guidance involving educational research and scholarship. They can also provide formative feedback on educational manuscripts in advance of submission to a journal for peer review.