Page 3 - 2018-2020 BEI BIennial Report
P. 3
From the
BEI Directors
Erik K. Alexander, MD
Executive Director & Brigham Health Vice President of Education
The Brigham Education Institute (BEI) was formed with a vision of bringing together our community of medical and health professions educators, while fostering the talents of those seeking to embrace their essential roles as educators. We are so proud to reflect back upon the last four years, and celebrate that we have made substantial steps to accomplish our mission. Since our last biennial report, our BEI offerings and our team have grown substantially. Our educational programs, both live and virtual, now average once weekly. We have also reached into the world of virtual education, and solidly embraced social media for purposes of learning and teaching. Such growth and expansion could not happen without support of so many involved. We express sincere appreciation to Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) leadership, all Department Chairs, and to each and every healthcare worker within our system and our sphere of influence for their support, ideas, and joy they have brought to our Institute. Perhaps most importantly, we always seek input and ideas from all of our community hoping to find new and novel ways to grow these talents and embrace the fun of education. We eagerly look forward to many years to come!
Karen Bruynell, MM
Administrative Director
These last two years in the BEI has seen fulfilling and exciting progress despite challenges presented by COVID-19. Our overall focus has been to grow our medical and health professions education programs for our BWH community. More recently we have transitioned to virtual events, including education and wellness programs. We are also committed to our growing and innovative team of professionals who are 100% strategically focused on medical and health professions education, technology, and research. We take pride in our achievements including a new dynamic website, Global Café sessions, COVID-19 Protocol resourc- es, daily Twitter communication, and our rotating archival displays. We greatly appreciate all departments who continue to support the BEI’s efforts while the delivery of education and training continues to rapidly evolve. We invite all BWH faculty and staff to join us for our upcoming events, tap one of our expert team members to assist you in an education project, or join us for a library or wellness class. You can also visit our Knowledge Center in Thorn 127D.