Page 44 - The Intentional Parent
P. 44

 teaching your kids to eat well balanced meals and limit their consumption of junk
teaching your kids to censor what they say before they say it. The more inappropriate the thought the more they should censor it, however, it is often wise to say nothing unless it is worth listening to.
teaching your kids to do more homework and play less video games
teaching your kids the importance of using their online and telephone time productively and not as an excuse to harass other kids
teaching your kids to respect privileges that you pay for teaching your kids the importance of dressing in a way that lets them express their own fashion tastes without looking like they have just been arrested, should be arrested or just got out of jail after being arrested
teaching your kids what is appropriate to do when they have friends over
teaching your kids what is appropriate to do when you are not directly supervising them
teaching your kids the wisdom of affiliating with kids whose reputations are good
When left to their own devices, kids cannot negotiate these issues without some help from you. Some parents will say that their children exercise good judgement reliably and naturally in most instances. Those parents are extremely fortunate. But if you are not that fortunate how do you lead in these situations and situations like them?
         The Intentional Parent by Peter J. Favaro, Ph.D. 44

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