Page 2 - How_Children_Learn_To_Hate_Their_Parents
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 Part One 3 Introduction: 4 Fighting in the Trenches: 6 Story: Minister's Daughter: 7 Disrupted Parental Relationships Is Not One Thing: 11 Alienation Makes for Great Debate But Poor Problem Solving - And The Rejected Parent Usually Pays For It 13 What Kids Are Taught About Conflict Resolution By High Conflict Parents 15 Parental Rejection Starts Sooner Than You Think 16 Factor One: The Conflict 16 Contributing Factor Two: What Traumatic Events Children See or Hear 17 Contributing Factor Three: The Temperament of the Child 19 Contributing Factor Four: Quality of Life 23 Contributing Factor Five: Lack of a Strong Bond 25 Contributing Factor Six: Different Parenting Styles 26 Contributing Factor Seven: Cut and Paste Parent Figures 28 Contributing Factor Eight: Escape and Avoidance Also Called "Negative Reinforcement" 31 Contributing Factor Nine: Creating Empowerment by Acquiescence 34 Contributing Factor Ten: The Malicious/Pathological Parent 37 Out of The Trenches: What is the Study of Parental Rejection the Study of? 41 Under Certain Circumstances, Attitude Does Predict Behavior: 43 How Self-Awareness Influences Attitude-Behavior Connections: 45 The More It Happens, The Worse It Gets... 47 How Behavior Effects Attitudes: 48 Small Decisions Lead to Bigger More Far-Reaching Decisions: 49 Issues of Direct vs. Indirect Programming: 52 People Don’t Have to Be Bribed to Make Major Attitude Changes: 53 Behavior is Stronger When it is Chosen, not Coerced: 55 Persuasion – The Creation of Attitude: 58 The Message May Be More Important Than the Messenger: 61 So What Have We Learned? 65 References 67

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