Page 3 - Dec 2021 Report
P. 3

The dinner program celebrating JSF’s impact through the lens of Malcolm’s leadership was filled with remarkable metrics and testimonies. It remains a priority at JSF to
document and measure our work. This recordkeeping is one of the ways we work to evaluate our efforts and ultimately improve what we do. But we all know, not everything can be measured. There are benefits or consequences beyond our direct focus or work.
I could almost hear Sharon smile across the phone. She told me Friday evening that Braulio Colon of Helios Foundation and Levi Esquerra of Center for American Indian Economic Development in Arizona were strategically assigned table 5 for the JSF dinner. Helios Foundation funds in Florida and Arizona. The two had never met, but by the end of the evening, they had swapped contact information on place cards and were looking forward to follow-up conversations.
Herb Schroeder of ANSEP is new to JSF. He attended Friday night’s dinner before his presentation on Saturday to the Grant Program Committee. After Herb’s presentation, I notified him of the GPC decision to support ANSEP. Herb has had many successful grant applications with other funders. He would later tell me JSF’s grant support was even more meaningful after learning about the Foundation Friday night. At Saturday night’s dinner, I was seated next to Gloria Puentes, Director of Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for Sodexo. After sharing a little about what Herb does at ANSEP, Gloria insisted I introduce her to Herb.
Robert A. Krause
The Sunday convening yielded similar productive connections. The all-star panel that King assembled included old friends and new acquaintances with intersectional interest. Panelist Meg O’Connell sent a gracious note regarding how much she had learned from all the presenters! Deana Criess of Perkins’ Career Launch would write that “being able to create connections with new colleagues was invaluable.”
Collateral benefits are the bonus of healthy organizations and their work. Their impact cannot be represented in numbers, and their benefits are seldom captured in testimonies. But the collateral benefits of JSF’s work further our mission - “To assist disadvantaged people to obtain education and employment.”
30 years - Our Journey Continues

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