Page 6 - 2022 January Report
P. 6
January Report
Program Notes
The Grant Distribution Plan for 2022 indicates an $11,729,826 Estimated Distribution Requirement. Commitments to date stand at $9,337,110. That leaves nearly $2.4 million available for new grants in 2022.
• Distributions as of December 31, 2021: $ 3,945,000
• Palm Beach Atlantic University
Pursuant to the approval of the Grant Program Committee, $425,000 was pre-funded to PBAU as a portion of their 2022 grant.
• Distributions as of December 31, 2021: $ 2,374,275
• Gonzaga University
The Foundation has now completed its commitment to building the Diane and Ted Johnson Scholarship Endowment for the MBA-AIE program, but the legacy will span the years. (See thank you note attached.)
• Oglala Lakota College
Tom Shortbull sent us an e-mail advising of his pending retirement as President of Oglala Lakota College. (See attached press release.)
• Ryerson University
Allison Urowitz reported that the JSF special grant in 2020 allowed the school to deliver support to Indigenous students through on-line programing during the 2020/2021 academic year. (See attached.)
• Distributions as of December 31, 2021: $ 2,707,939
• Grant Agreements
Pursuant to the grants approved at the December meeting, grant agreements have been executed with ANSEP and Mount Allison University, along with an addendum to the Sonoma State University agreement. Negotiations continue with the University of North Florida.
• Landmark East School
The Foundation has completed this grant cycle. (See thank you note attached.)
• Mount Allison University
It did not go unnoticed that the Foundation took an exceptional step in approving this new grant to benefit Mt. Allison students. (See attached.)
• Rochester Institute of Technology
In 2007 and 2008, the Foundation granted a total of $600,000 to their newly created scholarship endowment. Clearly from the attached report, that seed money, along with the federal and other donor dollars garnered over the years, has provided a wonderful legacy of support for RIT scholars ever since.