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        Newsletter of  the Forestry Mutual Insurance Company                 Vol. 20, Issue 3


     ISSUE...                     T   o say the least, 2020 has been an   was to survive and prosper.
                                      unusual year.  While I typically provide
                                                                          Many  on  our  board  share  this
     The President’s Desk ..........    an update to our policyholders in this space,   admiration for Paul Davis.
     E.K. Pittman Awards ..........   I would like to take this opportunity to   “Mr. Davis always listened to the
     The SawShop ..................... 2  express my respect for and gratitude to one   entire conversation before expressing
     Agency Corner ................... 3   of our outgoing board of directors, Mr.   an opinion on any given topic,” stated
     Risk Assessment ................ 3  Paul Davis of South Mountain Pulpwood.     Board Chair Michael Walters.  “He never
     Directory ............................ 4  Paul  Davis’  tenure  on  our  board   let us forget the importance of safety in   Keith Biggs
                                 extends all the way back to 1972 - In fact,   any discussion about the forest products community.  He
      Forestry Mutual            we were still a Self-Insurers Fund at that   helped navigate the success of the company for many years
           Board of              point in our company’s history.       and set out a framework for success well into the future.”
                                    In addition to being a pioneer board
                                                                          “Mr.  Davis’  presence,  knowledge  and  leadership
           Directors             member, his active policyholder account   will truly be missed,” stated Board Member Marshall
                                 number is 58.  He truly is one of the last of   Thompson.  “A genuine gentleman, he brought so much
                                 the founding fathers of this organization.    to this organization.  I learned very quickly that when Mr.
               Chair             We all owe him a great debt of gratitude for   Davis spoke, you best listen.”
          Michael Walters        his service over the years in making Forestry   “As a relative newcomer to the board, I was impressed
             Directors           Mutual what it is today.              how  Mr.  Davis  remained  committed  to  safety  in  all
          Tommy Barnes              Mr.  Davis  not  only  served  on  our   discussions,” stated Board Member Joey Ferguson.  “That
            Chip Capps           board, but he also served on our investment   commitment has resulted in countless improvements across
                                 committee.  A keen, somewhat reserved
                                                                       the spectrum of forest products operations.”
            Joel Cathey          board member at times, Mr. Davis never   In closing, I would echo our board members sentiments.
          Randy Denman           failed  to  speak  up  when  he  deemed  it   Thank you, Mr. Paul Davis, for your many years of service
        Candace Dinwiddie        appropriate.  Consequently, when he spoke,   to our organization and the forest products community.
           Joey Ferguson         he had the full attention of board.    Your leadership will certainly be missed, but it will not be
                                    I appreciate that Mr. Davis has been
           John Hatcher          with our organization through thick and   forgotten.  Sincerely,

           Mike Macedo           thin!  Like so many of our early leaders,  he
           Bernard Rose          believed safety was essential if the industry
       Marshall Thompson               2019 E.K. Pittman SafEty award winnErS
           Matt Thuman           by Shawn Fulks, Brian Macanka, Philip Sligh

          Forestry Mutual        O    ur  E.K.  Pittman  Safety  Award
                                      presentations  were  forced  to  be
        Insurance Company        delayed  out  of   safety  concerns  due  to
       80  Jones Franklin Road   COVID 19, but we are happy to finally
           P.O. Box  9467        announce this year’s winners.
       Raleigh, NC 276 9-9467       The E.K. Pittman Award is Forestry
           (800) 849-7788        Mutual’s top award and named in honor of     our first Chairman of the Board.  Pittman
                                 served as Chair from 1971-1984 and was
           FMIC Agency           a strong proponent of safety training and
           P.O. Box  9467        the use of personal protective equipment.
         Raleigh, NC 276 9       The award is presented to those deserving
           (866) 755-0344        companies are chosen by Forestry Mutual     staff based on the company’s overall safety   2019 North Carolina Loggers of  the Year - W.D. Byrum Logging, Inc.
                                 (continued on page 2)                  (l-r) Francis and Greg Byrum, Alyssa Hoggard, Andrew and Danielle Byrum.
        Forestry Mutual Insurance Company                      September  2020
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