Page 3 - Yearbook 2020
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Iam delighted to welcome you all to Davitt Jones Bould’s review of 2020. To our clients, I’d like to  rst and foremost thank you for your loyalty and continued instructions. To those who we are yet to work with,
I hope this brochure will serve as a useful introduction to the  rm.
2020 was both a fascinating and challenging year in equal measure. For many worldwide, including our colleagues, friends, family and clients, it was full of unprecedented change. For DJB, the year of 2020 was  lled with remarkable growth and exciting opportunities.
I am grateful to our lawyers and staff, who all continued business as usual despite the unsettling times. This is down, in no small part, to their unwavering hard work and dedication. I am delighted that this team of exceptional individuals has continued to grow with the addition of  ve new lawyers. Watching the  rm swell in terms of size, capability and expertise is so rewarding and we are, as always, truly enjoying the challenges this brings with it.
I would like to pass a very warm welcome and thank you to everyone who has been a part of our year here at DJB. The coming year will undoubtedly prove to be extraordinary once again. However, I’m con dent that the climate of trust, reciprocity and collaboration which is at the heart of DJB will, once more, drive us forward.
I look forward to working with you in the future and someday, perhaps, meeting you in person.
Senior Partner

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