Page 4 - Yearbook 2019
P. 4

Chief Executive
When the  rm was founded by three former Government Property Lawyers our strength lay not in our size but in our four core objectives: focus on real estate, focus on top-quality clients, focus on providing exemplary service with top-quality solicitors and only working with nice people. In 2019 we celebrated our 20th anniversary and as I now take stock of our development at such a milestone it is abundantly clear to me that, despite growing our team 20-fold, these objectives still run at the heart of DJB.
With  ve new solicitors joining last year, we continue to deepen the  rm’s knowledge pool with a diverse range of experience and specialisms, whilst never deviating from our real estate focus. We continue to build our prestigious client base, delivering the full spectrum of real estate legal services to the UK’s largest institutional and corporate landowners both in the public and private sector. As always, all of our resources go towards solving the biggest legal and commercial issues in the real estate market. My focus is on growing a talented team to deliver this advice.
But objectives aren’t everything. It is the values we’ve managed to uphold and build upon that I’m most proud of.
We’ve proven that great people are also gracious and that hard working people who will never let a client down can also spend time with their families. By focusing on building the best team and removing the barriers often encountered by those people you can achieve a diverse and brilliant membership with equal gender balance at all levels, without having to strive for that as an end in itself. It does not suf ce to put this in a CSR policy – these ethics pervade the  rm and are what everyone in the  rm, myself included, buys into.
That being said, the joy of running DJB is that I can’t wait to see the wonderful things we’ve yet to achieve come to fruition in the next year. With the great team we’ve built where every individual is special, I have no doubt our success will continue.

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