Page 26 - Against All The Others
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the Typ 901 and 902, numbers for the new car that emerged from an agreement with Volkswagen for international parts distribution. In VW’s computerized parts inventory system, the only number series still available had started with 900.
“Retirement” for Rabe was just a different kind of employment, and he continued as a paid consultant until his death on October 28, 1968, one day before his 73rd birthday.
November 13, 1968
notification to the Fia Zuffenhausen
On this date, Porsche wrote to the FIA in Paris, informing it that Zuffenhausen had assembled 500 of the Typ 911 S and thus requested homologation for the car in Group 3.
November 16–22, 1968
Rac Rallye of great Britain
center airport Hotel
Heathrow airport to Heathrow
england, Scotland, Wales
Manufacturers european championship, Round 8
A nationwide outbreak of hoof-and-mouth disease canceled the RAC rally in 1967, but the event was back for 1968 with 115 entries. Really a tour of Great Britain through England, Scotland, and Wales, the rally incorporated 85 special stages, many over a number of nicely paved racing circuits. But for far greater distances entrants competed on rough-hewn British Army test courses, up and over known hillclimbs, including “Rest-and-Be-Thankful,” and innumerable miles through forest trails.
Two Saab V4s and then two Ford Lotus Cortinas finished first through fourth. Vic Elford and co-driver Terry Harriman, in a Porsche factory 911 T (#15), did not finish due to broken suspension, and they were hardly alone. Out of 96 starters, 32 finished. In addition to Elford/Harriman, Porsche entered a 911 T for its regular rally drivers, Björn Waldegård and Lars Helmér, and a third 911 T for Åke Andersson with Sven-Olof Svedberg. None of the works entries completed 1968’s series finale.
Organizers worked their calculators and determined the champion for 1968 to be Ford Motor Company’s very successful Escort Twin Cam coupe. An official Manufacturers Championship, with
OPPOSITE: Were there too many flights like this? Here Björn Waldegård and co- driver Lars Helmér test the durability of their works- prepared 911 T (#22). At some point it failed, for neither they nor their teammates finished the rally. [PHOTO: MCKLEIN]
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