Page 4 - Against All The Others
P. 4

 THIS PAGE: From simple lines a legend grew. By one year after this drawing was finished, when competitors recognized this form approaching from behind, they simply moved out of the way. [COURTESY PORSCHE CORPORATE ARCHIV]
PREVIOUS PAGES: With Joe Buzzetta’s 908 K coupe #2 several inches in the air, Porsche’s decision to incorporate a jump in the Weissach test track makes sense. Rally cars jumped higher, but the Nürburgring gave drivers and cars as many as 90 or 100 flights on a race weekend, from practice to qualifying to the race. [COURTESY PORSCHE CORPORATE ARCHIV]
Published by David Bull Publishing PO Box #1607 Bellevue, WA 98009
Design by Blue Design ( Map Design by Peter Higham
Copyright © 2024 Randy Leffingwell and David Bull Publishing
International copyright reserved in all countries.
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2024937694 Printed in Hungary
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