Page 32 - 90 Years of Harper's Tire
P. 32
1980 POPULATION: 568,000
In 1981 Calgary was awarded the Olympic Games and spent the next seven years preparing to host the world. Hidy and Howdy, and the rest of the city, welcomed the Jamaican bobsled team, helped launched Eddie the Eagle’s career and put on a terrific show. In 1986, the Flames won 4-3 over the Oilers in the playoffs to head to the Stanley Cup and, heartbreakingly, lose to the Canadiens before bringing home the Cup in 1989. As the decade ended, the Petroleum Club allowed women to become members a few years after denying entry to Pat Carney, Canada first female energy minister. Harper’s Tire, meanwhile, sold the 12th Ave building to TransAlta and built
a new facility at 5516 – 4th St. SE.
“ I started full-time in 1985 but I grew up in the business. We’ve been through some horrible down-shifts, but we’ve seen the good too. It teaches you to be resilient and that’s what you have to be. It’s a tough business. It’s sales oriented obviously. Dad was always amazing at that aspect because he was always truthful, and he always looked afte”r the customer first. And that’s what he taught us to do to.
Tom Harper
“ I got to know Tom and Dan in my late teens. When I was
in my early twenties and bought my first car with my own money, a Volkswagen Golf, it was a big deal to go in and get new winter tires. My father always told me it was important to have good tires. The Harpers were there for me and I’d always defer to them to help with those decisions. I fe”el like I have grown up with them, and all my vehicles have too.
Tracey Button