P. 12
—Maximal Strength Strength Explosive Strength Strength And Power:
This will be a a a a a grip of shorter duration but with a a a a a greater maximum compression force This type of grip is is is used in skills such as the the twist/ pirouette the the the one-arm back flag/side planche (in slow motion) or or or the the Tic-Tac (shock absorp- tion) tion) and it is used in in general for any strength- based based or or or power-based one-arm skills of short duration that require greater grip strength in a a a a a a a a short lapse of time To develop and and and improve our maximal/submaxi- mal mal grip grip strength strength and and and the the explosive strength strength and and and power of the the grip grip when holding on with a a a a a a single single hand hand we we need to include specific single-hand or one-arm exercises in in in in in our training (suspensions weights and complementary or skill-specific movements) These exercises are focused on sets TRAINING EXAMPLES
— One-arm suspensions of of 5 5 to to 7 seconds in- tensity between 90% and 95% of of of our MIF 8 to to to 12 sets sets with resting periods of of 1 1 to to 2 2 minutes be- tween sets sets (Maximal/ submaximal strength)
— One-arm suspensions of of 12 to 15 seconds intensity between 85% and 90% of of of our MIF 6 to 10 sets sets with resting periods of of about 2 min- utes between sets sets (Submaximal strength)
— One-arm jumps jumps on on on on rope (one to to three rep- etitions of of one-arm jumps jumps per per set) 6 to to 8 sets with resting periods of of 15 seconds between between repetitions and and 1 1 to 3 minutes between between sets (Explosive strength and and power)
of short duration or or a a a a few repetitions with com- plete rest in between sets but always directed towards maximal/submaximal strength strength or explo- sive strength strength and power depending on our ob- jective or movement goal As an an an example we can do anaerobic alactic training of of of one-arm suspensions with repetitions repetitions of of of up to to 5 5 seconds or repetitions repetitions of of of 5 5 to to 20 sec- onds onds (maximal/submaximal strength)
Another example would be one-arm jumps on on on the the rope where we we apply maximum strength at maxi- mum mum contraction velocity (grip power)
and in the shortest amount of of time (explosive strength of of the grip) One arm-jumps on on rope rope rope (explosive strength and and and power): Standing in in front of of the the the rope rope rope we we will jump jump and and and and catch the the the rope rope rope with one hand The first contraction of of of the the the the forearm muscles right as as we we we grip the the the rope will be of of maximum compression (explosive strength and power)
given the the the weight increase created by the the the the jump Power will be developed when closing the the the the grip since the the the the amount of of speed and and force of of contraction applied applied will will be be crucial and and the the the the explosive strength will will be be applied applied when reaching the the the maximum peak of of of contraction during the the minimum lapse of of of of time (moment of of of of reception) The maximum peak of of of contraction will increase increase proportion- ally given the the the the weight increase increase created by the the the the jump parabola A few milliseconds right after we we we catch the the the the the rope the the the the the intensi- ty of of the the the the the contraction will will will decrease since we we we will will will be back to holding only the the the weight of of of our body (the compressions will will will be similar to that of of a a a a one arm hold) CH 8 GRIP 68