P. 34
Beats on straps to focus on technique and movement patterns (breath, pull-up, lines), as well as on conditioning and physical preparation.
One by one, depending on the final skill desired, we will focus on the front beat, flexing the hips (pike beats), or in a straight line with a full body extension and engagement of the glutes (plank beats), with pull-up (twist and variations) or without pull-up (360o, etc.). Starting with small beats and gradually aiming to increase the size of them.
To improve muscular development and tone, and to allow our body to memorize movement patterns, we can do at a lower
intensity (spot with someone else, using a resistance band or on straps) a greater number of repetitions and sets, but as we get closer to the desired movement and our body is ready for the skill, we will do sets at a higher intensity with a lower number of repetitions. We are now looking for maximum explosive strength and power, since we need to attain maximum height to perform these beats, and therefore we should perform a maximum of 5-6 repetitions (beats), 3 to 6 sets. During the execution of certain exercises power decreases rapidly from the first repetition, meaning that most of our power is lost after 3-6 repetitions; as a consequence, if we add more repetitions, the explosiveness, speed, and quality of the movement will decrease.
- General and complementary conditioning to strengthen the muscles used during this skill and to strengthen antagonistic muscles to maintain muscular balance (calisthenic workout, lifting weights, functional training, cross training, etc.).
- Abdominal exercises to improve lines (hanging and on the floor).
- Pectoral exercises with or without weights, resistance bands, etc.
- Pull-ups (focused on strength, explosive strength, power, etc. depending on our target): Neutral and close/narrow grip pull-
ups, Commando pull-ups, Chin-ups, Front lever pull-ups, etc.
- Pull-ups on straps: starting from a neutral position with straight arms, we EXTERNALLY rotate the wrists as we pull-up. This
movement will "mimic" the position of our wrists while performing a front beat.
- Pull-up to front lever on straps, performing an external rotation of the wrist when pulling-up, and then an internal rotation
when transitioning to front lever.
- Front-back beats on straps and rope focusing on proper technique (breath, pull-up, lines).
- Grip and forearm exercises. (Chapter 8)
In this skill, shoulder flexibility is critical to allow a greater range of movement while executing the back beat. It will increase
kinetic energy and thus provide a more powerful ballistic movement when doing straight arm beats, or improve the aesthetics as a result of higher gain in back beat height when using bent arms.
- Foam roller exercises.
- General shoulder stretching on the floor.
- Shoulder “dislocation” with resistance bands.
- Shoulder stretching on bench and stall bars.
- Skin the cat/German hang.
- Thoracic mobility exercises, as well as stretching the back and hips on the floor with assistance.
- Stretching the forearm extensors and flexors (as well as other forearm muscles involved during grip work), and stretching the
hands and fingers. (Chapter 8)
Scorpion. Twist.
Half twist to F.P. drop.
Back flag/side planche . Inside Twist.
Hip lock to back balance free hands
360o. Elbow twist.
Front salto rewind (ML2).
Fake back salto: One hand on rope. Two hands on rope.
Back salto (ML2).
Front salto (ML2).
32. The Aerial Movement ® © The Aerial Movement 2019