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This manual would not have been possible without my family’s support, patience, and understanding. Their love and encouragement kept me going throughout the very difficult times we faced while I was working on this project.
To my family in Rome (Berry-Valleta), I would like to thank you wholeheartedly for your unconditional support.
I would also like to thank all and every one of the rope and straps artists, instructors, and students that I have had the pleasure of working with. You have deeply contributed to my personal and professional growth, and you are all somewhat responsible for the creation of this manual.
Special thanks to the F.E.S.W.C. “Federación Española de Street Workout y Calistenia” for the trust and support given to “The Aerial Movement®” project.
To my mentor and friend Pedro Bergua (Dr. in Sport Sciences, Strength and Specific Resistance in Climbing: valuation through suspensions; Bachelor of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, High Performance Specialization; Responsible for the Physical Preparation Area of the Sport Climbing Technification Center of Catalonia (CTEEC) ).
To the “Club de Escaladores del Pirineo - Rocódromo de Jaca”, thank you for putting up with me while I was training the skills included in this manual over and over again.
To my friends: Sandra Olarte (Graduate of the École National de Cirque's instructors in circus Arts program and M.Sc. in Statistics from the University of Alberta), Vanesa Morán (Nutritionist Specialized in Sports Nutrition and Supplementation from the University of Barcelona), Daniel Gregorio Gabarre (Bachelor of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, M.Sc. in in Sport & Exercise Medical Sciences; and firefighter in Ayto. Huesca), Alberto Perez (Bachelor Mechanical Industrial Engineering and firefighter in D.P.Z.), and Michelle O' Loughlin (PhD candidate in Psychology, MA in Translation and Interpreting and rock climbing/training fanatic) for the special contribution.
To my friends: Jennifer Hoang, Konstantin Kosovec, Panagiota Gourzi (Tina), Antonis Kalamaras, Ángel Palomo, Emiliano Ron, Mar Navarro and Rodolfo Rivas for their last minute contributions.
To Catch it. for their sponsorship via the provision of ropes, Hearth®Hotel and Reflex Training Studio for the support provided, thank you Nachito R., Guido E.C., Vaios B. and Giannis M., for your unconditional friendship.
To all of my friends, no matter how far the distance between us, you will always be in my heart, thank you.
69. The Aerial Movement ® © The Aerial Movement 2019