Page 5 - RGHD BROCHURE_spanish
P. 5

® CIGARETTE / LONGITUDINAL WRAPPING ROCKGUARD HD puede instalarse a lo largo de la tuberîa
como en lOS diagramas y puede fijarse por medio de cinta reforzada
CIGARETTE® / LONGITUDINAL WRAPPING de fibra de vidrio dReOaCltKo GreUnAdiRmDienHtoD. can be installed along the pipe or around
Wrap with high performance fiberglass reinforcement tape every 6” Wrap with polyester filament tape every 32”
the pipe as per the diagrams below and can be secured by
Para tuberîa coRnOumCneaKacGnirsUcoAufmRpfDoelryeHensDctieacradfinelabmeeinost tstadlpled.6a” leongrethlaecipóipnedoerl anrocuhnod
Wrap with polyester filament tape every 32”
Wrap with polyester filament tape every 32”
de ROCKGUARthDe pHipDe. as per the diagrams below and can be secured by
ROCKGUARD® HD can be installed along the pipe or around meFaonrspoipf epsolwyeitshtearcfiirlacmumenfetrteanpcee. of less than 6” in
the pipe as per t®he diagrams below and ca®n be secured by
1. Desenrolle elreRlOatCioKnGtoUtAhRe DwidHtDh opfatrhaeleRloOaClKa GtuUbAerRîaDquHeDdebe ser protegida.
means of polyester filament tape.
For pipes with a circumference of less than 6” in 2. Coloque el ROCKGUARD®HD arriba de la®tuberîa. ®
rela1ti.onUtnortohllethweidRthOoCf KthGeURAORCDKGHUDApRaDrallHelDto the pipe
For pipes with a circumference of less than 6” in
which is to be protected.
3. Envuelva la tuberia con el ROCKGUARD®HD sobrepon®iendo los filos por relation to the width of the R®OCKGUARD HD
1. Unroll the ROCKGUARD HD parallel to the pipe aproximadamente 2”.
2.whPilcahceistthoebReOpCroKteGcUteAdR. D® HD below the pipe.
1. Unroll the ROCKGUARD® HD parallel to the pipe
4. Fije el ROCKGUARD® HD con cinta reforazada de fibra de vidrio de alto
® Overlap ROCKGUARD HD by 6”
Overlap ROCKGUARD HD® by 6”
Overlap ROCKGUARD HD® by 6”
which is to be protecte®d.®
2. 3P. laWceratphethReORCOKCGKUGAURADRDHDHbDealorwoutnhde tphiepep.ipe
5. La malla pu3e.deWfijrarpsethceonROciCntKaGreUfoArRazDadHaDdearfioburnaddtehevidpripioede alto rendimiento.
overlapping the edges by approximately 6”.
2. Place the ROCKGUAR®D® HD below the pipe. 4o. veTrhlaepmpiensghthceanedbgeesebcyuraepdpbroyxpimolayteslyte6r ”fi.lament
3. Wrap the ROCKGUARD® HD around the pipe tape.
overlapping the edges by approximately 6”.
4. The mesh can be secured by polyester filament
4. The mesh can be secured by polyester filament
ROCKGUARD®HD puede instalarse a lo largo de la tuberîa como en los LATITUDINAL WRAPPING
diagramas y puede fijarse con cinta reforzada de fibra de vidrio de alto rendimiento. ®
Wrap with polyester filament tape, two places per pad
72” Max
LARTOICTKUGUDAIRNDALHDWcaRnAbPe iPnsItNallGed along the pipe or around the pipe as per the diagrams below and can be secured by
Wrap with high performance fiberglass reinforcement tape every 6”
Para tuberîa conLcAirTcuImTfUerDen®IcNiaAmLayWorRqAuePePl aINncGho del rollo: ROmCeKaGnsUoAfRpDolyHesDtecrafinlabmeeinst talpled. along the pipe or around
Wrap with polyester filament tape, two places per pad
the pipe as per the diagrams below and can be secured by
72” Max
Wrap with polyester filament tape, two places per pad
72” Max
Overlap ROCKGUARD® HD by 6”
1. Corte el ROCRKOGCUKAGRUDAHRDenHDpecdanzobsedines6ta’”llemdaaslognragntdhespqipueolar around
meFaonrspoipf epsolwyeitshtearlafilragmerecnitrctaupmef.erence than the roll width: circumferencitahedepilpaetuabseprîear.the diagrams below and can be secured by
means of polyester filament®tape.
Fo1r .pipCesutwtihthe aROlaCrgKeGr cUirAcuRmDfeHreDncinetothpainecthees rofllmwoidretht:han 6”
2. Coloque el ROCKGUARD®HD arriba de la tuberîa.
extra than the circumference of the pipe.
For pipes with a larger cir®cumference than the roll width: 1. Cut the ROCKGUARD HD into pieces of more than 6”
3. Envuelva la tubexrîtaractohnanelthReOcCirKcuGmUfAerReDncHeDofstuhpeepripoen.®iendo la malla
2. Wrap the pipe with the ROCKGUARD HD overlapping the instalada ady1a.cenCteutptohre2R”.OCKGUARD® HD into pieces of more than 6”
adjacent installed mesh by 6”.
extra than the circumference of the ®pipe.
2. Wrap the pipe with the ROCKGUARD HD overlapping the
4. Fije el ROCKGUadAjRacDenHt Dinsctoanllecdinmtaersehfob®rzya6d”a. de fibra de vidrio de alto
3. Fix the ROCKGUARD HD with polyester filament tape in
3. Fix the ROCKGUARD® HD with polyester filament tape in two places per pad.
rendimiento. 2. Wrap the pipe with the ROCKGUARD® HD overlapping the two places per pad.
Overlap ROCKGUARD HD by 6”
adjacent installed m®esh by 6”.
3. Fix the ROCKGUARD HD with polyester filament tape in
HD by 6”
5. La malla puedetwfijoarpsleaceosnpceinrtpaarde.forzada de fibra de vidrio de alto ren
ROCKGUARD HD can be installed along the pipe or around the
Wrap with polyester filament tape every 32”
Wrap with polyester filament tape every 32”
ROCKGUARD® HpDippeuaesdpeeirntshtealdairasgeramlos blaerlogwo danedlacatunbbeerîsaeocuarlerdedbeydmoer adnes of SPIRAL ®WRAPPING
ROpCoKlyGesUteArRfiDlamHeDntctanpeb.e installed along the pipe or around the la tuberîa como en los diagramas y puede fijarse con cinta reforzada de
pipe as per the diagrams below and can be secured by means of
fibra de vidrio de alto rendimiento.
Wrap with high performance fiberglass reinforcement tape every 32”
ROCKGUARD® HD can be installed along the pipe or around the polTyheisteproficlaemssenctatnapbe.applied to longer circumference pipes:
Wrap with polyester filament tape every 32”
pipe as per the diagrams below and can be secured by means of
Este proceso puede aplicarse a tuberîa de mayor diametro.
polyester filament tape.
Th1is. proSctaerstswcranppbiengapthpeliepdipteo mloonvgienrgcairlocunmg ftehreelnecnegtphipoefst:he pipe,
so that the ROCKGUARD® HD overlaps slightly.
This process can be applied to longer circumference pipes:
1. Start wrapp®ing the pipe moving along the length of the pipe,
1. Coloque el ROCKGUARD HD arriba de la tuberîa.
®® 2. soUthsaet tthe pRoOlyCesKtGerUfiAlaRmDenHt tDapoevetorlasepcsusrleigthtely.ROCKGUARD
Overlap ROCKGUARD® HD by 6”
1. Start wrapping the pipe moving along the length of the pipe,
HD insitu as the mesh is wrapped.
2. Empiecea envolver la tuberîa moviendose a lo largo de la tuberîa para que
so that the ROCKGUARD® HD overlaps slightly.
2. Us®e the polyester filament tape to secure the ROCKGUARD
el ROCKGUARD HD sobreponga aproximadamente 2”.
HD by 6”
HD insitu as the mesh is wrapped.
2. Use the polyester filament tape to secure the ROCKGUARD® 3. Use la cinta reforzada de fibra de vidrio de alto rendimiento para fijar el
Overlap ROCKGUARD® HD by 6”
HD insitu as the mesh is wrapped. ROCKGUARD®HD en sitio mientras la malla se envuelve.
Metodos de Instalación
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