Page 165 - People & Places In Time
P. 165
As a young boy, a road trip made several times over the years with my dad, was into Yosemite Valley though never in winter. These trips together remain more special today than when first taken. I’m so glad to have had this time with my father exploring the foot- hills and mountains that remain
our heritage, having grown up in
the San Joaquin Valley. This was my dads’ refuge, and as such this pursuit has been passed down to me. Today these trips are still a necessary part of who I’ve become.
Later in college, at Fresno State, I often made short trips into the foothills and when time al- lowed, a day in Yosemite could happen. A particularly fond mem- ory was with my dog, Berry.
On this fall afternoon Bar- ry took the entire back seat of my Mustang as we drove into the val- ley. A long walk into the middle
of a large meadow, the high valley walls looming all around us, then to lay down undisturbed to take in the fall beauty, and not a soul around to interfere today too many peo- ple, cars and restrictions on dogs make this memory impossible.