Page 173 - People & Places In Time
P. 173
I began my post college life working at Abby Office Furniture on Black- stone Avenue in Fresno. I wanted to believe that I was hired as a designer; the reality was, that I was a furniture salesman. I held onto expectations that there might be a future with the Eisner family; wealthy owners of this store and nu- merous other businesses, but that became less a possibility as time passed. They were very nice and supportive, yet I saw little opportunity. Never-the-less an unexpected seed had been sown that was to become the next opportunity.
Shortly following our marriage, Hollys mother married Fred Rabe, a successful civil engineer in Fresno. This will prove to be the most significant happening that has ever or will ever occur in my life. The marriage gave Mary the resources to profoundly set a new course in the life that Holly and I were embarking.
In the fall of 1973 Mary would lend Holly and I the down payment of $2,000 toward our first house; on the corner of McKinley and north Harrison, behind Fresno High School. These neighborhoods are often referred to as the Tower or Fresno High districts. The homes were built mostly in the 1930’s and 40’s and mixed in among some large stately homes from the 20’s; particularly along Van Ness avenue, and Fulton Street. These have long remained desirable neighborhoods to buy or rent a home, in Fresno. At one time or another I lived in three different places, during three different periods in my life, in these neigh- borhoods.
As we settled into our new home, our life together was going as well as any newly married couple could hope for. Then Hollys mom offered a proposi- tion to me; the opportunity of a lifetime.
She asked me “How would I feel about opening my own furniture store?”
The pace quickens
Within a couple of months, a plan was created, financing arranged through the backing of Fred and Marry, and 3,800 sq. ft. of retail space leased in the Fresno-Shaw Shopping Center. We were next door to Normarts Furs, and just down from the Grape Tray. One of the best shopping spaces to locate in Fresno at the time, in 1974.
Everyone has at some point, developed a plan for their life, maybe it’s no more than a fanciful dream; but something. At least some idea of where they expected or just hoped to find themselves at some point down the road. Some plans perhaps, are more possible than others, some dreams have no obvious path and others dismissed for the lack of encouragement. Yet there are some who know from an early age what they can do well and never harbor doubt
as to what they can become. Still, there has to be the opportunity. Perhaps it comes through hard work or education or is simply thrust upon us. But also, in addition, there needs be a desire, that when paired with the opportunity, it will indeed happen.
As for lamenting the education I struggled to get, only to dismiss it as almost a waste of time; I need to explain. I’ve had more questions than answers maybe this, not so different than most of us. The motivation, philosophy and psychology of our pursuits in life, love, God . . . all that constitutes our humanity, is always on my mind. I don’t pretend to be profound in this because there
is really only one thing I’'m continually in search of and that is, the pursuit of beauty. . . whether through man's creative instinct or Gods creation. This is a personal quest that leads me to question, ’why is it all this way’? This rambling process gets in the way of everything and becomes my personal conflict to all that I attempt.
I began at College of the Sequoias focused on architec- ture, only to lose that focus for a time. Then regain it for a while, until interrupted again by two years in the Navy. When I re- turned for a semester at COS my goal was displaced once again, this time by psychology. This new direction, the result of my con- stant companion a wandering mind continued at Fresno State. My next two years at FSU yields a BS degree in psychology and a minor in philosophy, plus a bunch of classes in English and American literature. All’s well and good, but who really cares, where can this education take me?
My education didn't build a foundation toward any career and success toward the future looming ahead of me. It did provide some basis in my quest for understanding to the age-old question; ’why am I here’? Nevertheless, I still find, there are no simple answers and the questions linger. If I gained anything it is a bet- ter map to guide me, but I still lacked a compass.
Education is one of the most important pursuits and plea- sures in life, I’ll never abandon this quest. Everything I want
in life depends on my thirst for knowledge and a knowledge of God. As I’ve said, I have God to thank for this talent to create and build, that has saved me from myself If only I had served God better by nurturing this gift.
There is a scene from the movie ’Chariots of the Gods’ in which the character who eventually becomes an Olympic sprinter is talking with his sister. She has questioned his willingness to run on Sundays as blasphemy. His response: ’"when I’m running, I feel God’s joy"’.