Page 189 - People & Places In Time
P. 189
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”
Charles Dickens
San Francisco and New York City have become my own tale of two cities; at different times of my life, each significant in my life.
The vibrant energy absorbed through life in the city has become too seldom availed of for me; it tugs at me in contrast to an equally sought desire for the quiet, contemplative locals, far from the madding crowd. Yet each place holds a constant marker in my life pursuits, each a place I want to be.
Each of these two cities, at times, has presented me the best and worst of all that life can offer Loss and despair, in consequence of my foolish behavior; hope, in the excitement of finding a shared affection for people, architecture, music and art.
The constructed environment in cities is a world so different from anything else on our planet. Small communities, farmlands and the still remaining wild places have their own special appeal. While these are wonderful places to be and to live in their own right, they remain distinctly alien to life in the city. I know that's obvious, but contrary to some peo- ple's thoughts on the matter, one does not exclude the other; I am quite comfortable in both situations.
Cities are a made-up world unto themselves, each individual, and separately sustained within their own creative boundaries. Beyond the obvious, not in any way can one be experienced, to know the other. There are so many cities I"ve yet to explore, some I've touched briefly, I can only wonder at what I will likely never experience.