Page 234 - People & Places In Time
P. 234

   My wife Jackie and I on our twenty seventh anniversary
the ranch six miles from town on a hardworking dairy farm I think affected Mom. More than once she spoke of visiting her mom’s family in Fresno and how she enjoyed the chance as they were so much more fun to be around. Mom’s brother stayed on the farm to work, while she became the first person in the Mitchell side to attend and graduate from college. I think this may have been one of the reasons Mom never returned to the farm. Still her life on the farm left her lacking in the experiences she might have passed on if she could. Because I’m searching for some reason for the lack of closeness between my Mom and me, I could be wrong.
One last thing to note is, that since moving from Fresno back to Visalia when I married, I’ve remained here in the same house. with my wife Jackie for thirty-two years and counting.
The twenty-five years living in Fresno at the time was longer than I’d lived in Exeter, becoming as much my home as any. I didn’t at the time consid- er moving back to the place of my birth. Still the connections to Exeter, Fresno and Visalia is really no less than the extent of my family, as you’ve just read. It seems likely this place is where I will remain.
And finally, a great deal has come and gone since the period of time covered in this book. I don’t think a second book to accommodate this current forty years is going to happen . . . and so it continues.
Thank You;

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