Page 45 - People & Places In Time
P. 45
Our Town (With respect to Thornton Wilder)
The Sun has risen over the Sierra Navada mountains every morning since be- fore time. This is Main or Pine Street in Exeter in the year my Dad graduated from high school, 1934. Behind us is the other side of the tracks. Mixtures Drug Store is at the intersection at ‘E’ Steet, while the Exeter Drug Store, where dad was a soda jerk, sits caty-corner. The Mercantile is further down on the right side. Exeter High School sits at the very end of the street, beneith the water tower. In the trees beyond the buildings to the left of the HOTEL sign is where grandma and grandad raised their family at 149 North ‘B” Street. Note the Christmas tree at the intersection of Pine and ‘E’ Street.