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Behavioral Optometry BOAF Volume1 Number1 2012
Letter from the President
Dear Members, Dear Colleagues, A child is born.
Having the idea to start a New Foundation for Be- havioral Optometry is one thing. Creating a New Foun- dation is a completely different story! For starting a New Foundation a few questions
come to mind. Why create a new foundation? What form should the new foundation take? And, for whom shall the founda-
tion serve?
Answering these questions can be both simple
and complex. It brings to mind the idea of having a new child. You must first think about the idea of having a child BEFORE conception. Once conception has been verified you are thrilled! During the pregnancy you are constantly making a lot of arrangements and decisions, and all looks easy and hopeful. Then the great moment of truth is arrived, and you are aware that still a lot of things have to be done. This is the feeling we have for the moment with BOAF.
Some colleagues and I came up with the idea to make that Behavioral Optometry baby and we are very proud to announce that a new European Behavioral Optometry family has been founded. We choose to call this Foundation “Behavioral Optometry Academy Foundation“ (BOAF).
The purpose of our foundation is to improve and advance Behavioral/Functional Optometry, Syntonic Optometry, Neuro-Optometric rehabilitation, and Sports Vision (here after called Behavioral Optometry) towards the goal of better serving humanity in the care of the precious gift of vision.
BOAF, want‘s to provide to their members with post graduate seminars, meetings, workshops, articles and
much more! Ultimately this will help our members spread the word about our wonderful profession.
Investing in education on Behavioral Optometry is very important for our professional daily work. Since technology advances so fast, we also have to stay up- dated. BOAF plans to support the needs of BOTH starting and experienced practitioners.
Currently Behavioral Optometry can count on es- tablished entities and already successful programs, but if we hope to grow as a profession we must not forget the importance of an interdisciplinary approach. There- fore BOAF has already established liaisons with, WVAO, CSO, OEPF, NORA and COVD.
As our dean said and I quote; “The key word I think that defines our organization is visionary. Not as the idealistic or impractical meaning, but as a futurist and creative force in behavioral optometry of the next mil- lennium. Optometry is experiencing unparalleled growth, driven in large part by technology that is more diagnostic than therapeutic. But it is the art and skill of the practitioner that is most important in helping care“.
As I conclude my first, of what I hope is many, messages to you, I want to encourage you to become a active ‘parent’ to the new child being born. “BOAF”. I am certain that this ‘child’ can experience wonderful growth and development with your participation!
I hope to see you all at the BOAF continuing education programs.
Sincerely yours
Claus Ellinghausen President BOAF
Claus Ellinghausen

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