Page 2 - MDC Abstract Book & Guide
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We specialize in sta s cally analyzing complex, highly dimensional data
Strategic Innovative
Our statisticians work closely with scientists to bring discoveries to
Our services
Our sta s cians and programmers are focused on nding the most e ec ve way to get answers from your data. Clients have access to seasoned sta s cians that work collabora vely with your experts so sta s cal conclusions line up with biological signals.
Tradi onal sta s cs are usually inaccurate or incomplete if used with microbiome data. Our approach normalizes this data so classical sta s cal methods apply.
Hypothesis tes ng
Power and sample size calcula ons
When your studies use more than one omic technology, we can sta s cally analyze it using integra ve methods that bring all your data together into one analysis.
Our sta s cians have developed a way to detect peaks in untargeted metabolomics data automa cally, within a few hours, and without bias.
Full LC/MS core support Automa c peak detec on Unbiased hypothesis tes ng Dose response
Sta s cal protocol development Sta s cal analysis plans
Study design
Applied data analysis
Pipeline strategy
Internet of things analy cs
20 S. Sarah Street www.biorankings. St. Louis, MO 63108 com/contact
Pathway analysis Regression Transla onal outcomes
+1 314 633 1821