Page 3 - Prep School Parent Handbook 2018-2019
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Welcome from the Head of Prep
Welcome to the new academic year at Headington. For those of you joining us for the irst time this year, you will ind a great sense of community here and we are very much looking forward to getting to know you and your daughter(s) and helping everyone to settle in. For those who are returning after the Summer break, I hope you are as excited about the start of the 2018-2019 year as we are.
The enclosed booklet contains key information about many of the School’s routines. Please do take some time to read it through. We delight in making sure that your questions are answered, so please don’t be shy about asking. Both Form Teachers and Form Reps are a good and reliable source of further information. There are plenty of opportunities for you to get to know other parents – from drop-off and collection to attendance at the many school events your daughters will be taking part in. We are aware, however, that for some families it isn’t always easy to attend everything and so we provide information in a variety of ways. Do let us know what works for you.
Headington Prep School offers a wealth of experiences for your daughter(s) and within this booklet you will
ind out more about both our academic curriculum and our exciting and fun extra-curricular offerings. There
is also something about our pastoral provision – the staff at Headington Prep School take great pride in caring individually for each of your daughters, monitoring both academic success and wider needs. I am always keen to hear about what our pupils have been learning and presenting a Head Teacher’s Award gives me much pleasure as I have the time to chat with the pupil about her learning – a real treat.
Among the many routines listed in the booklet, I would draw your early attention to information on our uniform and also parking provision and bus routes.
I’m sure that it won’t be long before you feel like an established member of the Headington Prep community. In the meantime – happy reading.
Jane Crouch
Head of the Prep School