Page 60 - Prep School Parent Handbook 2018-2019
P. 60

Medical matters
Illness and medication
We want your daughter to get the most out of her time at the Prep School and would encourage you to make sure she is only at school if she is well enough to be able to participate in all the activities including PE and outside play. Childhood illnesses spread quickly at this age so please don’t send your daughter to school if she has a temperature. If you suspect an infectious disease, please consult a doctor before sending her to school.
Children should not return to school until 48 hours after their last bout of sickness or diarrhoea. If your daughter has been prescribed medication by her GP, you should complete a medication consent form, available at Reception. In exceptional cases, the School will administer non-prescription medication such as Calpol but you will still need to complete a consent form for the administration of any medication. The medicine itself should also be labelled with your daughter’s name and the dosage. It should be handed to Reception, for Key Stage 1 pupils, or to the class teacher, for all other pupils, on arrival and collection at the end of each day. Please make sure you take all medicines home at the end of the course of treatment.
If your daughter becomes ill during the school day we will contact you. It is essential that the School has at least two up-to-date emergency contact numbers.
Please do make sure that the School is made aware of any allergies or dietary requirements your daughter may have and keep us updated of any changes to your daughter’s medical condition.
Inhalers and EpiPens
For those children who need to use inhalers or EpiPens, the following information should be confirmed in writing with the teacher:
• dosage
• frequency of use
• special circumstances in which use may be necessary
Parents should also ensure that spare inhalers or Epi Pens are supplied and kept up to date so that they can be retained in school at all times.
Head lice
Head lice is unfortunately part of life with young children and we therefore encourage you to check your daughter’s hair every week by combing thoroughly with a fine tooth comb when the hair is wet and conditioner has been applied. If you discover head lice, please treat immediately before your daughter comes to school and let us know. If there is a case of head lice in school, we will inform parents. Girls whose hair is shoulder length or longer should ensure that it is tied back.
Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) cabinet access code is C124
Headington has three AEDs are available in external locked cabinets, one of which is located at the front of the Prep School building.

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