Page 180 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 180

persons from the the the the distant past Anyone who practices in the the the the same way—that is is to contemplate the the the the Trilaksana of the the the the physical and mental phenomena during whatever whatever period whatever whatever era—that person will be able to gain insights and experience the the the Ultimate Truth of of the the Teachings of of the the Buddha as well Whether more than two thousand years ago or or as we we meditate and and practice dhamma right now—if we we attentively contemplate our physical phenomena phenomena these are the the the the phenomena phenomena of the the the the corporeality that that currently currently appear that that currently currently change then we will also be be able to experience the the Ultimate Truth As I have said before initial physical phenomena that we can observe are: The inhale-exhale phenomenon phenomenon phenomenon the the the the the inflate-deflate phenomenon phenomenon phenomenon the the the the the beatings of the the the the the heart the the the the the the rippling phenomenon phenomenon phenomenon that emerges throughout the the the the the the body or the the the coldness hotness tautness heaviness lightness which occur in in in in our our our body These are all natural conditions And as we experience the the the the Truth here with our our our own insights observe how our our our mind mind mind feels Does the the the the the mind mind mind become more still does the the the the the mind mind mind further let go of attachments? Should we latch onto (these phenomena) even though they constantly change? Experiencing with our own insights this is is 172

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