Page 196 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 196

to fend off unwholesome unwholesome natural conditions or unwholesome unwholesome consequences consequences (vipaka) that emerge And if the good mind is is powerful it can dissolve negative negative feelings or negative negative consequences consequences from our our lives lives When we we do good good deeds our our our lives lives will be impacted by good good things according to our our our kamma Therefore we we should dedicate ourselves constantly think of of dhamma and the the the the Teachings of of the the the the Buddha take them into our our our heart—for the the the the the maximum benefits for for for the the the the blessings in in in our our lives Today I I have performed dhamma sermons for for for an an appropriate amount of time therefore I I wish to to stop here here May all practitioners and everyone else progress in in in in dhamma Blessings Next let us prepare to send out loving-kindness We have diligently practiced dhamma dhamma since the the morning morning Some give alms in in in in in in the the morning morning commit to to to Buddhist precepts cultivate vipassana practice practice dhamma dhamma dhamma and listen to to to to dhamma dhamma sermons—to develop our wisdom These are all all extremely meritorious Since we we we have undertaken good deeds thence we we we shall share the the the powers of these merits and and wholesomeness with all all our our benefactors or or our our close relatives and and friends Now think of of these merits merits and and wholesomeness and and take them into into our our heart heart fill the the the power of of merits merits into into our our heart heart until it it it is full—

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