Page 211 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 211

matters not what instance instance it is is While we we observe while we we attentively contemplate the the the clear separation—that is is is is always the the the instance instance that that that we we have wisdom Do not assert that: While While the the the the the the mindfulness mindfulness is is is is powerful they they are are separate While While the the the the the mindfulness mindfulness is is is feeble they they are are one of the the same It
is is is not whether at at at that instance our mindfulness is is is powerful or feeble To experience the the clear separation—this emerges from wisdom Mindfulness and and concentration are one condition However by attentively and and and constantly contemplating whether the the the unburdened light mind that that does its duty (to experience) and and the the the the the the sound that that we we hear—are they they one one of the the the the the same or or separate? Furthermore if we we we clearly experience that they they can can never be one—no matter how tired we we are the the mind and various natural conditions can can never blend into one This is is is wisdom Even when sometimes our mindfulness-concentration lack strength we we just need to to be still willfully observe then we we shall experience experience that that that the the the mind mind that that that does its duty to experience experience and and the the the the natural condition that that that emerges are separate Indeed wisdom is is is is is is is important important and and this is is is is is is is the the the reason why it is is is is is is is important important for us to contemplate the the clear separation This is is is is is is is 203

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