Page 216 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 216

when we we we cultivate vipassana we we we need to willfully contemplate the the clear separation separation Here we we we we we are are talking talking about about the the the the primary separation separation between the the the physical body and the the the mind we we we are are talking talking about about conventional natural conditions (arammana pannatti) that that have forms and stories—Still we can experience that that that the the unburdened mind is more expansive than the the natural conditions that that emerge In addition to the the sound that that we we hear there are thoughts that that emerge emerge As we we we make our mind unburdened expansive uncluttered light light when the the the the thoughts thoughts emerge emerge we we can observe straightaway whether the the the the the the mind that that is unburdened light light and the the the the the the thoughts thoughts that that emerge—are they one one of the the the the the the same or or separate If practitioners experience that that the the the the the unburdened and light mind is more expansive than the the the the the the physical body that that that sits there—when thoughts thoughts emerge emerge we can contemplate easily whether the the the the the thoughts thoughts that that that emerge emerge and and the the the the the mind that that is is is is is unburdened and and light which one is is is is is more expansive Why is is is is is is it easy to to contemplate? This is is is is is is because when a a a a a a a a a a a thought emerges emerges we we will feel that that that a a a a a a a a a a a a a mental mental image image emerges emerges Try to to observe this: If we we perceive that that that mental mental image image with an an an unburdened light mind that that that is is as as expansive as as our eyes’ range—when a a a a a a a a a a thought emerges it it will 208

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