Page 62 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 62

is is is a a a a a a a a a a a clear comparison that that the the mind that that is is is lighter more expansive than the the the the physical physical body body has no boundary Then we observe back at at at at the the the the the the physical physical physical body body body that that that sits sits here here The The mind that that that is light and the the the the the the physical physical body body that that that sits sits here—are they they one of the the the the the the same or are are they they separate? Here we we can clearly experience the the the the the the distinction between the the the the the the mind mind that that is is light and the the the the the the physical body that that sits here—how are they different But if if if the the the the the the practitioners cannot tell whether our mind mind mind is is is uncluttered is is is light or or or not not not not or or or if if if we we do not not not not know where the the the the the the the mind mind mind is is is is Then we we will not not not be able to say say whether the the the the the mind mind or or or or the the the the the physical body which one one is is is is is more more more expansive expansive But if the the the the the practitioners can say say that that the the the the the the mind mind is is is is more more more uncluttered is is is is lighter is is is is more more more expansive expansive than the the the the the the the physical physical body—then we will see clearly whether the the the the the the the mind mind that that is is is uncluttered uncluttered light and the the the the the the the physical physical body body are one of the the the the the the the same or or separate Therefore try to observe this: While the the the the the mind mind is is is is uncluttered uncluttered uncluttered light—the mind mind that is is is uncluttered uncluttered light light and the the the the the physical body— are they one of the the the same or separate? Here I am speaking slowly so that we can can contemplate together Practitioners who who already already can can separate the the the the physical and the the the the mental phenomena who who already already clearly experience how the the the the 54

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