Page 65 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 65

just in in in front of us? Or is is is is is it more expansive lighter than before? This is is is is is the the result that that that follows that that that is is is is is the the important thing The mind that that that is is is is is more uncluttered uncluttered lighter than before—Is it it it good? Is Is Is it it it comfortable? The The mind mind that that that is is is is uncluttered uncluttered uncluttered light—Is light—Is it it it it it free? The The mind mind that that that is is is is uncluttered uncluttered light—Is light—Is it it it serene? This This is is is is is is the the thing thing that that that practitioners should observe and contemplate This This This is is is is is is another important thing thing This This is is is is a a a a a a a a way to experience the the the mind mind within the the the mind mind naturally While the the mind feels uncluttered light expansive without boundary—look back at at at the the the physical physical body body body that that sits sits here here here There is no need to access the the body body body The The physical physical body body body that that sits sits here here here how does it it it feel? Does it it it feel feel heavy or or or light or or or airy or or or uncluttered—as though we we are floating in in in in in space This is is is observing our “senses”—not what we we “think” how it it it is is is is Then observe further—the mind or the the the sense that is is unburdened unburdened light—Does it it it it it proclaim itself to to be be us or or to to to to be be be be anyone? anyone? Or does it it it it it only feel unburdened unburdened light—without proclaiming itself to to to be be be us or or to to to be be be anyone? anyone? When we experience that that that that the the the mind mind that that that that is is unburdened unburdened light light and the the the physical body are separate when we we experience that that that that the the the the the mind mind that that that that is is unburdened unburdened light light does not proclaim itself to be us—then we we look back at at at at the the the physical 57

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