Page 116 - Dhamma Practice
P. 116
of concentration. As we order our body to be upright, then the emergence-cessation phenomenon will become clearer. And, whenever any phenomenon emerges clearly, just experience its emergence-cessation.
And, if there is a shaking phenomenon, what should we do? Can we order it (to stop)? Try it. Do we feel shaking throughout the body or just have the feeling of shaking sensation? If we are shaking all over, it is okay to open our eyes to check, so that our friends would not be alarmed. But, if the feeling of shaking is just a sensation inside, as soon as the awareness is clear, the shaking will stop. It is a natural condition—there is no need to be worried. Some people sit and practice vipassana as though they are suffering from kamma consequences (vipaka). A practitioner who is a monk once told me that, as he sat and practiced vipassana, he would lower himself then extend his neck like a turtle. Then, immediately, he received a mental image of him killing a turtle while he was a layman. So, he then spread his loving-kindness (Translator’s note: To that turtle). After that, the phenomenon disappeared. This is what he told me.
But these phenomena that emerge, if we have the awareness to contemplate clearly—as soon as we have the awareness, they will cease. This is the contemplation of conscious phenomena that emerge. As mentioned before, every phenomenon that emerges for our mind