Page 120 - Dhamma Practice
P. 120
to dhamma for the purpose of advancing our vipassana practice, we need to memorize what the things we need to do next are.
When I say this way, do not believe that I have forgotten the vipassana homework that I gave this morning. In the evening, I am talking about dhamma in a more general sense. This is so that you can take it and use it in your vipassana practice. But, the important thing is, we must do (Translator’s note: Practice vipassana). This morning, after you have related your vipassana experiences, do you remember what vipassana homework I gave? Yes. Do you remember what you need to add? I do remember what I told you to add. For some, I told you to observe whether your mind ceases (Translator’s note: Along with the phenomena). For some, I told you to add alertness. For some, I told you to add calmness— not calmness in the sense of indifference. But, add calmness to raise concentration, to make our mind more powerful. For some, I told you to observe what is inside the emptiness, and how they change. When I see your face, I remember the vipassana homework I gave.
I ask you to relate your natural conditions extensively, so you will know how to do it. Over the past three or four days, you have made progress. Therefore, today I stress two important focal points for you to contemplate. Firstly, when we contemplate conscious phenomena, do we do it with or without “self”? Secondly,