Page 129 - Dhamma Practice
P. 129

Dhamma is truth, it is reality. This is because dhamma happens to our lives. If dhamma is not real, when you are suffering, you should ask yourselves—is the suffering real or is it fake? Suffering is a natural condition. When you feel pain while sitting to practice vipassana—is the pain real? And, when you feel pain at home, is it the same kind of pain? Does the pain have the same feeling, same characteristics and same symptom? When it is painful, do you grimace the same way? Dhamma is real. Natural conditions are real. They happen in our lives.
When we are happy, regardless of whether we are sitting here or at home—is it the same happiness? When happiness emerges, it is the same kind of happiness. The question is what causes this happiness. Do they have the same cause, or different? For example, when we are here, our happiness arises from the practice of vipassana. The cause of this happiness comes from detachment, from a wholesome mind and from our wisdom. But, when we are at home, our happiness is caused by other people or other things. When people please us, we are happy. When they displease us, we suffer. When we get what we wish for, we are happy. When we do not, we suffer.
The practice of vipassana could be used in our lives. Awareness is necessary for everyone. In dhamma, awareness and wisdom are two key points. Whoever has awareness and wisdom will have a good life. But,

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