Page 137 - Dhamma Practice
P. 137

that we practice vipassana in order to detach, in order to extinguish sufferings. If the method that we use to practice vipassana makes us feel tenser, more suffering— then it is not a suitable method for us. This is an easy way to observe.
But, the key importance is that regardless of whatever method we use, the goal of our vipassana practice must be to detach, to extinguish sufferings. Detach from what? Detach from our unwholesome mind. Detach from greed, delusion and anger; detach from defilements that emerge in our mind. When we are attached to something, what are we attached to? We are attached to things that we already have and things that are yet to emerge. Things that we already have are our financial assets, our bodies, even our thoughts and our beliefs (ditthi). What should we detach from? From our sense of self, our sense of “us” and “them”; to create wisdom to experience and accept reality.
We have chanted this prayer before, correct? A happy sanctuary is a sanctuary of truth—the truth of the physical and mental phenomena, the truth of all things. When we rely on the truth, we are happy, unperturbed, not lonely, and stable. This truth that we rely on is: Everything is dictated by the Three Characteristics of Being and is non-self, that there is no “us”. We have an unburdened mind to rely on. We will not feel that we are in need of anything. But, whenever our mind is not

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